Ranking pools Champions League

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
224 Wpi 1,311 6
Wpi europa 1,311 6
228 Champignons league gellemuun 1,305 5
Genedovo 1,305 5
Van manen x kootstra 1,305 5
231 Dvo hoertjes 1,301 5
Snoozers 1,301 5
233 Awan Champions League 1,298 5
234 Eredivisie 2024/2025 voorspelpoule 1,285 8
235 Eyjoh abonneer ff! 1,276 5
236 Championes League 2024/2025 1,273 5
Premier League 2024/2025 1,273 5
238 Balliemannen hfc 1,241 6
239 De maatjes Champions League 1,237 5
240 Champions leugue De Walletjes 1,232 6
241 WBS Eredivisie 2024/2025 1,221 6
Wout Bergers CL 🏆 1,221 6
243 NEC Nijmegen 1,218 5
244 Goelian B 1,209 6
245 CL Bode 2024/2025 1,204 5
246 Neep FC 1,198 9
247 Champions League voor uiteten 1,197 5
248 MinderJarigIsOokJarig 1,196 7
249 Mooiboys 1,195 5
250 Lucas Moura Fanclub CL 1,163 5