Ranking pools Eredivisie
A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.
No. | Name | Points | Member count |
2026 | Eredivisie in Waddi | 1,921 | 6 |
2027 | Van Eijden eredivisie 2024/2025 | 1,920 | 5 |
2028 | Mooiboys | 1,919 | 6 |
Visserts | 1,919 | 6 | |
2030 | De strijd ter titanen 👀🥵 | 1,918 | 5 |
2031 | WK POULE DAMES | 1,917 | 8 |
2032 | Broodje kaal - eredivisie | 1,916 | 13 |
2033 | BB&V 24-25 | 1,914 | 11 |
2034 | Eredivisie poultje nwz | 1,913 | 5 |
Fc de lekkere Chickies | 1,913 | 7 | |
Prutserdammers 2.0 | 1,913 | 5 | |
Telstarfans.nl | 1,913 | 5 | |
2038 | Ek poule Smeenk | 1,911 | 5 |
Famia-eredivisie | 1,911 | 7 | |
Familie Smeenk | 1,911 | 5 | |
2041 | Kierewietcup 2.0 | 1,910 | 6 |
2043 | UEFA Champions League poule ricks snoepkraam | 1,909 | 5 |
2044 | Hij' t al heurd | 1,908 | 6 |
2045 | City league | 1,907 | 5 |
Eredivisie josties | 1,907 | 7 | |
Eredivisie met Gerard | 1,907 | 6 | |
Schiphol erendivisie | 1,907 | 5 | |
Yusu champions league | 1,907 | 7 | |
2050 | FC Schakelpad | 1,905 | 7 |